Friday, September 18, 2009


I’m a in person kind of talker. I like to tell people things in person instead of texting them or messaging them thru MySpace or facebook. Its just way easier for me to talk to them in person cause I can get everything out in person instead of texting cause texting just is annoying to me. Because I always spell things wrong or someone misunderstands what I was trying to say to them thru texting, because it just leads to a lot of fights. I don’t like talking thru facebook because it’s just pointless to me because you can just call the person up or see them in person. I know it’s great for finding old friends and see how there doing but for me I just don’t like it. I just talk about stuff that has happened to me or stuff that it is going on. I really talk about anything I have on my mind that day. It is easier to talk to certain people for something because I would rather talk to my best friend then to someone I just met that day, but I love meeting new people and having new friends.
I’m very open and outgoing so I make new friends really fast and get very comfortable talking about anything so basically to anybody new. I like to text sometimes but not all the time cause I get annoyed at how many people text me so I just kind of ignore some people if I don’t want to talk or text them cause its get frustrating to me. Myspace for me I like to comment on what people put up on there but I don’t like to have long conversations with them. Because I spell things wrong and just hate doing it cause its also very pointless because you can just call them or see them.

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